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State gets funds to improve Arusha water supply

Deputy Minister for Water and Irrigation, Isack Kamwelwe told Parliament yesterday that the government is determined to improve water service. He said the project will benefit all the residents.
Kamwelwe said the fund will, among other things, be used for channeling water to various customers, improve infrastructure for water supply, improvement and renovation of water sources and infrastructures.

He added that the money will also be used to improve sewerage system in the region. “All the residents in the villages within 12 kilometres from the main water pipeline will be connected,” he said.

According to the deputy minister, construction is set to cost 512.69bn/- (US$ 233.92 million).
Kamwelwe was responding to Joyce Mukya’s (Special Seats-Chadema) question. Mukya wanted to know when the government will end water woes in the city. She said the region has been facing water problems due to frequent power cuts.

“I would like to hear from the government on when this problem will end,” she said, insisting that the tourist city experiences shortage of water supply due to poor infrastructure and power black outs.
The deputy minister assured the legislator that the government is looking forward to implement the project starting the 2016/17 fiscal year.

Meanwhile, Minister for Energy and Minerals Prof Sospeter Muhongo, said the problem of power cuts in Arusha is caused by residents who illegally connect power to their houses and thus interrupt Tanzania Electric Supply Company Limited (Tanesco) operations.
“There are many small scale miners at Mererani who steal power from Tanesco. Nine small scale miners out of 10 at the Tanzanite mine steal power from Tanesco,” he said, urging the MP to deal with thieves so that Tanesco could be able to offer reliable services.

Minister for Water and Irrigation, Gerson Lwenge said the government was already conducting feasibility studies in various parts of the country for implementation of the 2006/07- 2025 water development program.

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