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A Touching Message From Avril as She Mourns Her Late Father...

Once in life we have to accept to that our candles will always be blown.It was so sad when we received the news that songtress Avril Nyambura lost her dad last week.She has posted on her Instagram after her grief and now she is strong enough to let life continue.
She wrote:
Saying thank you is not enough.I am so grateful to so many people who have genuinely stood by my mother, brother and sister. To my friends that I count as family because of what you did today and have been doing for the past two months. Thank you,thank you,thank you. May your cups overflow with blessings upon blessings and may your hearts’ desires be fulfilled beyond measure. Dad, I’m going to miss you so much but I know you are going to be with me through everything like you always were.I know your spirit will be with us and we will see it in the generations to come. I will instill the lessons,values,hunger for the hustle and principles that you taught me to my babies and their babies.You were to walk me down the aisle, see your grandchildren but your destiny was different. I will not question it but only give thanks for the time I had with you.I will always love you and we will never stop smiling and sharing the love that you taught us to always have for one another. Rest now. I know it’s all better now. Rest now.RIP.”

After this post her fans had commented still sending her condolences messages and praying for her to be strong

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